Can I Take Ibuprofen/Advil With an Empty Stomach?


Ibuprofen is the most used drug when it comes to pain medications as there are many people who choose this medicine when they are in pain. Not only people, but doctors also prescribe ibuprofen when they are recommending pain medicines to their customers however, we all know that certain medicines can be taken without any food while some can only be consumed if you have eaten anything hence, people often wonder can you take advil on empty stomach or will ibuprofen affect on empty stomach. 

Here in the blog, you will get to know about the same, so read the necessary instructions very carefully. 

Is it allowed to take Ibuprofen on an empty stomach?

If you are wondering what happens if you take ibuprofen without eating then, allow me to tell you that it is recommended to consume ibuprofen on an empty stomach. Unlike other medicines, ibuprofen will work faster if you do not have food in your stomach as food slows down the process of absorbing the medicine and you will get relief from pain after a long time. 

However, if you take ibuprofen empty stomach then, the medicine will be immediately dissolved in your system and you will get relief from pain faster than you expected. There are some rumors that claim that taking ibuprofen on an empty stomach will lead to gastric irritation however, there has never been any proof to support that claim as this may happen because of other factors. 

Easting ibuprofen with other medications may increase the risk of gastric irritation or taking the medicine with alcohol can be very dangerous for you but, consuming the medicine on an empty stomach will not affect you as this will only increase the effects of the medicine in your body. We hope that this information can be helpful for you and you can take the medicine in the correct order whenever you want a pain-relieving medication. 

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